Bundle Insurance Germany
Auto & Auto

Save 10% on your second car policy!

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      Personal Information

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      Vehicle Information

    • 3

      Coverage & Submit


    Personal Information

    Your Active Policy Number*

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Personal Email*

    Phone Number*

    Are you affiliated with NATO Forces?*YesNo

    Where will the vehicle be registered?*USAREURBFGGerman registry

    Are you married?*YesNo

    Date of Birth*

    Vehicle Make*

    Vehicle Model*

    Year of Vehicle*

    VIN - Vehicle Identification Number

    Horse Power*

    Actual Cash Value in USD* (max. value 95,000 USD)

    Is there a lien on your vehicle?*YesNo

    Have you had any at-fault accidents in the last five years?*YesNo

    Third Party Liability Insurance incl. Motor Assistance Coverage (mandatory)*

    Comprehensive Coverage (e.g. theft, broken windshield, natural hazard) Deductible 300 EUR*

    Collision Coverage (own damage) Deductible 500300 500 EUR (Note: If you select to have Collision Coverage, you will also carry Comprehensive Coverage with a 300 EUR deductible)*

    Loyalty Repair Program?*

    Effective Date of Coverage*

    PCS Date / DEROS

    How did you find out about MIRASCON?

    Please specify

    Promotion Code

    10% Discount Active

    Invalid Promotion Code

    Please note: You can withdraw your consent anytime via email to privacy@mirascon.com. Please see our privacy statement for detailed information about user data handling.

    Third Party LiabilityThird Party Liability & Comprehensive CoverageThird Party Liability & Collision Coverage (incl. Comprehensive Coverage)

    Please prove you are human by selecting the key.

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