Personal Information
Vehicle Information
Coverage & Submit
I understand that this insurance does not cover rental or leased cars.
First Name*
Last Name*
Personal Email*
Personal Phone Number*
Foreigner Identity Number (NIE)
Where will the vehicle be registered?*On-Base Vehicle RegistrationOff-Base Vehicle Registration
Are you married?* YesNo
Date of Birth*
Date of Birth of Youngest Driver*
Do you already have a policy with us?*YesNo
What is your policy number?
Car Make*
Car Model*
Car Type (e.g. 1.8 FSI)*
Year of Vehicle*—Please choose an option—20242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990
Foreign License Plate Number (if you don´t have Spanish License plate)
VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
Horse Power*
Actual Cash Value in USD* (max. value 95,000 USD)
Third Party Liability Insurance incl. Motor Assistance Coverage (mandatory)* Yes
Important note: Comprehensive and collision coverage are only available for cars not older than 10 years. However, cars financed by a bank are required to get full coverage (comprehensive & collision).
Comprehensive Coverage (e.g. theft, broken windshield, natural hazard) Deductible 300 EUR* YesNo
Collision Coverage (own damage) Deductible 500 EUR (Note: If you select to have Collision Coverage, you will also carry Comprehensive Coverage with a 300 EUR deductible)* YesNo
Effective Date of Coverage*
How did you find out about MIRASCON?—Please choose an option—Print Media Ads (Magazine, Flyer, Newspaper, etc.)Online Media Ads (e.g. bookoo, howtogermany, inkwire)Online Search (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)Friends / Family / Work ColleaguesSocial Media (Instagram, Facebook, etc.)Website BlogAlready CustomerCar DealerOther (e.g. Event)
Please specify
Promotion Code
10% Discount Active
Invalid Promotion Code
none10% - Welcome Center Germany10% - PCS10% - STRIKE10% - COFFEE
Third Party LiabilityThird Party Liability & Comprehensive CoverageThird Party Liability & Collision Coverage (incl. Comprehensive Coverage)
I hereby consent to my data submitted in the contact form being collected and processed in order to answer my request.
Please note: You can withdraw your consent anytime via email to Please see our privacy statement for detailed information about user data handling.
Please prove you are human by selecting the house.
I accept the privacy terms and conditions.*
Please prove you are human by selecting the tree.